Friday, February 06, 2009

Feedburner Moving to Google

If you have not heard, Google has acquired
FeedBurner. In order to maintain your feeds you will need to move your FeedBurner account over to Google no later than February 29, 2009.

If you are wondering why do I need to do this take a minute to visit the FAQs Transferring FeedBurner Accounts to Google Accounts FAQ.

If you already have a Google Account, then you would use that username to make the transfer, if you don't have an account with Google you can open one by visiting Google.

Once you move your feeds your old FeedBurner feeds with automatically redirect traffic to the new address.

This is a very quick and painless tasks, but if you are not sure what to do ask your virtual assistant to assist you with this very important tasks. Just another way your virtual assistant can help you with your everyday business.

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