Sunday, May 26, 2013

Planting the Seed

How many of your past clients are you still in contact with? Do you have a relationship with them?  Do you call them to say hello, happy birthday, congratulations?  Why not?  This is your bread and butter and cream of the crop for business building.

Creating a system to keep in contact with your past clients you can plant seeds of suggestions.  By keeping touch with them you need to let them know how much you appreciate their business and for referring their family, friends and co-workers to you.  After all, they have already done business with you, so they know how detailed oriented you are and really worked hard for them in achieving their dreams.

If you are not staying in touch with your past clients, now is the time to start.  Send them a card or call them.  Explain to them it was a genuine honor to work with them and that it is important to you that you have satisfied clients.  Ask them if there is anything they need or you can do for them.  Offer a free home value analysis or to meet with them to evaluate their real estate portfolio, which means determine if they are in a position to buy or sell.   You could even talk to them about maybe considering a re-fi since the interests rates are low.  This could save them hundreds of dollars a month if they are paying high interest rates.

When you take the time to stay in touch with your past clients, you are planting the seed. It also gives them the confidence in referring you to others and brings them back to you when they are ready to buy or sell. 

Planting the seeds of suggestions is just that - a subtle reference to the idea of referral, especially with non-business contacts.  Use a "By the way..." indirect approach to avoid appearing pushy or desperate.  By implementing this technique not only helps develop contacts from friendships, but friendships from contacts.

Take a few minutes to write down how you will indirectly mention that your business is built on referrals.  Then start planting the seed. 

Need help in this area of your business?  Contact me so we can discuss how your system should be created so you can start building your referrals. 


EJ Gordon said...

It's amazing how much marketing you may be able to forego if using referrals correctly. Great guide thanks!

Unknown said...

Virtual Assistant Services can be used in any type of area of interest where business is possibly made.